Accounts / Extracts from publications   [ Content Tag Results ]

Below is a list of the history pages, personal accounts, extracts and photos that have been tagged with a reference to 'Account / Extract'...

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1. [ pow ]

Road to St. Valéry
Jan 1938 - June 1940

Corp. Jack Kidd's experience from joining the Territorial Army in January 1938 to his capture at St. Valéry-en-caux in June 1940.

2. [ pow ]

Gunner Henry Owens
June 1939 - May 1945

The story of Gunner Henry Owens - from his volunteering in 1939, through the capture at St Valéry, to life as a POW and finally the long march back from East Prussia into Germany, from where he was finally repatriated in 1945. It includes photos and copies of original documents as well as extracts from personal letters of the time.

3. [ pow ]

volunteering - capture
1939 - 1940

From Henry Owens' volunteering in 1939 to his capture at St. Valery in 1940

4. [ pow ]

Johnnie Matheson
5 Escape Attempts

Johnnie Matheson retells the story of his five escape attempts from POW camps between 1940 - 1945.

He walked into wartime captivity with a haversack full of looted French franc notes of doubtful value from a bombed bank in St Valery - and more than five years later drove across a war-torn Europe heading for his Highland home in a brand new BMW car festooned with American stars and stripes, and a legitimate fortune in pounds sterling in his pocket.

5. [ pow ]

March into Captivity
Summer 1940

Personal account of the march into POW captivity by Henry Owens, 1940

6. [ pow ]

The POW Camps
1940 - 1945

Henry Owens recalls the POW Camps he was held in from 1940 - 1945

7. [ pow ]

POW Processing

Corp. Jack Kidd recalls his POW processing at Thorne, Polland, Summer/Autumn 1940

8. [ pow ]

Stalag XXa

Henry owens describes Stalag XXa, Torun (Thorn), Poland 1940

9. [ pow ]

Stalag XXa Camp 52
1940 - 1942

Henry Owens describes life and forced labour at Stalag XXa Camp 52, Gorsdorf, Poland. 1940 - 1942

10. [ pow ]

Stalag XXb, Marienburg
1942 - 1944

Henry Owens describes Stalag XXb, Marienburg 1942 - 1944

11. [ pow ]

Camp 946 and 210
Elbing 1944-1945

Henry Owens describes Stalag XXb, Camp 946 and Camp 210 at Elbing, East Prussia between 1944 - 1945

12. [ pow ]

Long (Baltic) March
Jan-May 1945

Henry Owens describes the 1000 mile forced march that would become known as the 'Death March', January - May 1945.

13. [ pow ]

After Liberation
date unknown

Henry Owens reflects on his captivity and his opinions of his war