Accounts / Extracts from publications   [ Content Tag Results ]

Below is a list of the history pages, personal accounts, extracts and photos that have been tagged with a reference to 'Account / Extract'...

Tag references
Divided into content type :

1. [ pow ]

Road to St. Valéry
Jan 1938 - June 1940

Corp. Jack Kidd's experience from joining the Territorial Army in January 1938 to his capture at St. Valéry-en-caux in June 1940.

2. [ pow ]

Gunner Henry Owens
June 1939 - May 1945

The story of Gunner Henry Owens - from his volunteering in 1939, through the capture at St Valéry, to life as a POW and finally the long march back from East Prussia into Germany, from where he was finally repatriated in 1945. It includes photos and copies of original documents as well as extracts from personal letters of the time.

3. [ pow ]

volunteering - capture
1939 - 1940

From Henry Owens' volunteering in 1939 to his capture at St. Valery in 1940

4. [ pow ]

Johnnie Matheson
5 Escape Attempts

Johnnie Matheson retells the story of his five escape attempts from POW camps between 1940 - 1945.

He walked into wartime captivity with a haversack full of looted French franc notes of doubtful value from a bombed bank in St Valery - and more than five years later drove across a war-torn Europe heading for his Highland home in a brand new BMW car festooned with American stars and stripes, and a legitimate fortune in pounds sterling in his pocket.

5. [ pow ]

March into Captivity
Summer 1940

Personal account of the march into POW captivity by Henry Owens, 1940

6. [ pow ]

The POW Camps
1940 - 1945

Henry Owens recalls the POW Camps he was held in from 1940 - 1945

7. [ pow ]

POW Processing

Corp. Jack Kidd recalls his POW processing at Thorne, Polland, Summer/Autumn 1940

8. [ pow ]

Stalag XXa

Henry owens describes Stalag XXa, Torun (Thorn), Poland 1940

9. [ pow ]

Stalag XXa Camp 52
1940 - 1942

Henry Owens describes life and forced labour at Stalag XXa Camp 52, Gorsdorf, Poland. 1940 - 1942

10. [ pow ]

Stalag XXb, Marienburg
1942 - 1944

Henry Owens describes Stalag XXb, Marienburg 1942 - 1944

11. [ pow ]

Camp 946 and 210
Elbing 1944-1945

Henry Owens describes Stalag XXb, Camp 946 and Camp 210 at Elbing, East Prussia between 1944 - 1945

12. [ pow ]

Long (Baltic) March
Jan-May 1945

Henry Owens describes the 1000 mile forced march that would become known as the 'Death March', January - May 1945.

13. [ pow ]

After Liberation
date unknown

Henry Owens reflects on his captivity and his opinions of his war

Pte. MacPherson, 9th Royal Scots Join 51st

1. [ account ]

Pte. MacPherson, 9th Royal Scots Join 51st
9th Royal Scots Join 51st Highland Division

An extract from Pte. MacPherson's Diary of Active Service detailing his movements between 29th February to 4th March 1916 as the 9th Royal Scots joined the 51st (Highland) Division.

Pte. MacPherson, Attack on High Wood

2. [ account ]

Pte. MacPherson, Attack on High Wood
Attack on High Wood

Extract from Pte. MacPherson's Diary of Active Service, details the Attack on High Wood, Somme, 21st & 22nd July 1916

3. [ extract ]

High Wood, Capt. Ross

Description of the 2nd attack on High wood on 30th July 1916. Extract from "The Fifty First in France" by Capt. RR Ross, Gordon Highlanders, published in 1918.

4. [ account ]

Pte. MacPherson, Beaumont Hamel
12-14 Nov 1916

Personal account from the Diary of Pte. MacPherson, 9th Royal Scots, of 154 Brigade during the attack on Beaumont Hamel between the 12th - 14th November 1916


5. [ extract ]

Extract from "The Spirit of the Troops is Excellent" by Derek Bird

An extract from Derek Bird's "The Spirit of the Troops is Excellent" detailing 152 Brigade's attack on Beaumont-Hamel, 13 NOV 1916.

Pte. MacPherson, Battle of Arras

6. [ account ]

Pte. MacPherson, Battle of Arras
15th to 24th April 1917

Personal account from Pte. MacPherson, 9th Royal Scots, 154 Brigade, of the Battle of Arras betweem 15th - 24th April 1917.

3rd Ypres Derek Bird

7. [ extract ]

3rd Ypres Derek Bird
July 1917

An extract on The Third Ypres from Derek Bird's "The Spirit of the Troops is Excellent"

8. [ extract ]

Man of D Company
Account of The 3rd Ypres

Wauchope's "A History of the Black Watch in the Great War" quotes an account of "a man of D company" in the 6th Battalion during The Third Ypres / Passchendale

9. [ extract ]

3rd Ypres & Gordon Highlanders
August 1917

The Third Ypres from the 'Gordon Highlanders in the First World War' by Cyril Falls

10. [ extract ]

The Gordons at Cambrai
Nov 1917

Account of the Gordon Highlanders' advance during the Battle of Cambrai, 20/21 Nov 1917, from the "THE GORDON HIGHLANDERS in the FIRST WORLD WAR 1914-1919" by Cyril Falls

11. [ account ]

Raising the Camerons
1938 -1940

From the "call out" of the TA in late 1938 to embarkation at Southampton for Le Havre in January 1940. Extract from 'Return to St. Valéry' by Lieutenant General Sir Derek Lang. Lieutenant General Lang was Adjutant of 4th Camerons in 1939 when the decision was made to double the size of the TA.

12. [ account ]

1 Gordons Deploy to the Saar
Journal extract, Capt. Taylor, Intel. Officer 1 Gordons

An extract from the War Diary of Capt. J.P.P. Taylor who was the Intelligence Officer of the 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlands. Covers the period from beginning of September to end October 1939.

13. [ account ]

Movements leaving Lille
April 1940

Account of the "Movements of 51 Div. and Attached Tps. since leaving Lille Area" [April 1940].

Provided by Mr Michael Thomson of Perth who provided various artefacts from his Uncle, Major David K Thomson, who was in the Royal Army Service Corps (RASC) in the Divisional Supply Regiment.

14. [ account ]

Lt. Col. Honeyman, 1st BW Withdraw, St. Valery
24th May to 13th June 1940

Lieutenant Colonel Honeyman's personal account of the withdrawal of 1st Battalion Black Watch from St. Valery. The account spans from the 24th May to 13th June 1940.

Attack on the Grand Bois

15. [ account ]

Attack on the Grand Bois
Journal extract, Capt. Taylor, Intel. Officer 1 Gordons

An extract from the War Diary of Capt. J.P.P. Taylor, the Intelligence Officer of the 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlands, covering the first week of June 1940.

16. [ extract ]

The Battle of Abbeville
3rd - 6th June 1940

Description of the attack on Abbeville, from 'The Highland Division' by Eric Linklater.

17. [ extract ]

Attack at Huchenneville
04 June 1940

Extracts from "Churchill's Sacrifice of the Highland Division" by Saul David relating to the 4th Cameron Highlanders Attack at Huchenneville on 4th June 1940.

18. [ extract ]

Attack on Abbeville Bridgehead
4th June 1940

Extract relating to the Attack on Abbeville Bridgehead on 4 Jun 1940 from "THE FIGHTING IN THE SAAR AND SOUTH OF THE SOMME" prepared by the Historical Section of the Cabinet.

19. [ extract ]

7th Argylls at Franleu
5th - 7th June 1940

The following description is taken from 'The History of the 7th Argylls - From El Alamein to Germany' by Ian C Cameron and details the 7th Argylls & Sutherland Highlanders at Franleu from 5th - 7th June 1940.

20. [ account ]

Capt. J.D. Inglis', C Coy.'s Capture, June, 1940
June 1940

Captain J.D. Inglis' account of the action in which 'C' Coy. were captured, 5th - 7th June 1940. The account was written for the Regimental Archive.

We were kindly sent a copy of this account by Capt. T. Inglis, the Grandson of Capt. J.D. Inglis.

Withdrawal from the Somme

21. [ account ]

Withdrawal from the Somme
Journal extract, Capt. Taylor, Intel. Officer 1 Gordons

An extract from the War Diary of Capt. J.P.P. Taylor, the Intelligence Officer of the 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlands, covering the period June 5th - 7th 1940.

The Bresle position

22. [ account ]

The Bresle position
Journal extract, Capt. Taylor, Intel. Officer 1 Gordons

An extract from the War Diary of Capt. J.P.P. Taylor, the Intelligence Officer of the 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlands, concerning the withdrawal over June 7th and 8th 1940.

Ark Force and Arques-la-Bataille

23. [ account ]

Ark Force and Arques-la-Bataille
Journal extract, Capt. Taylor, Intel. Officer 1 Gordons

An extract from the War Diary of Capt. J.P.P. Taylor, the Intelligence Officer of the 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlands. Covers the period June 9th and 10th 1940 during the withdrawal towards St. Valery.

24. [ account ]

"Ark" Force - The Defense of Le Harve
June 1940

The defense of Le Havre from Arques-la-Bataille. (The B.E.F. June 1940)

25. [ account ]

Major Grant Diary (Scans)
9th - 12th June 1940

The Highlanders Museum and Queen's Own Highlanders Collection have very generously provided a scan of the diary compiled by Major Grant while a prisoner of war. The pages of this diary reproduced here cover the period 9 to 12 June 1940.

26. [ account ]

Major Grant Diary (Transcription)
9th - 12th June 1940

A transcription of Major Grant's diary entries covering the period from the 9th June 1940 leading up to the capture of the Division at St. Valery on the 12th June 1940.

1 Gordons, St. Valery

27. [ account ]

1 Gordons, St. Valery
Journal extract, Capt. Taylor, Intel. Officer 1 Gordons

An extract from the War Diary of Capt. J.P.P. Taylor, the Intelligence Officer of the 1st Battalion, Gordon Highlands. Covers the period June 11th and 12th 1940 at St. Valery.

28. [ account ]

Captain Macrae, St. Valery
11/12th June 1940, St. Valery

An extract from the War Diary of Captain R.A.A.S. Macrae Adjutant to 4th Battalion Seaforth Highlanders, covering the period 11/12th June 1940. Nb. a separate account covers the 27th May - 10th June, a link to which has been added to The B.E.F. section of the site.

29. [ account ]

‘D’ Coy 7th Royal Norfolk
Accounts of capture, St. Valery, June 11/12th 1940

Two accounts of ‘D’ Coy 7th Royal Norfolk and their capture at St. Valery June 11th & 12th 1940

30. [ account ]

2/Lt Richard Broad's Escape
Account from Churchill's Sacrifice by Saul David

The remarkable story of 2nd Lieutenant Richard Broad's escape from St. Valery. Reproduced, with kind permission, from Saul David's book, Churchill's Sacrifice.

31. [ extract ]

Attempt to Evacuate St Valery
Report from C. in C. Portsmouth, 13 Jun '40

Report from C. in C. Portsmouth describing Naval efforts made to evacuate the 51st Highland Division between 10th - 12th June 1940.

32. [ extract ]

Evacuation, Driver MacAskill
154 Inf. RASC, June 1940

An extract from Driver MacAskill’s Memories of Service with 154 Inf RASC detailing his evacuation from Cherbourg, 13th June 1940.

33. [ account ]

Prandle, St. Valery Account
15th July 1940

Copy of a Letter received by Sgt (AC) G.C.Claridge, from Bdr (AC) W.H Prandle 101st L.A.A. & A.Tk.Regt.R.A. (old 5th Bn R.W.F.,TA), Dated 15th July 1940. This letter has been Provided by a contact in the Royal Welch Fusiliers Museum and provides a fascinating account of the retreat to St. Valéry by one of the lucky ones that got away.

34. [ extract ]

El Alamein, The Quiet Gunner
Extract from "The Quiet Gunner At War" by R. Gorle MC RA

Extract from "The Quiet Gunner At War" by R. Gorle MC, of 128 Field Reg. RA, describing the guns at El Alamein

35. [ account ]

El Alamein - A Gunner's View
Personal Account By Captain J T Lang

Captain John Lang served with 128th (H) Field Battery RA (TA). He was at El Alamein and this is his personal account.

Notes on Battle of El Alamein

36. [ account ]

Notes on Battle of El Alamein
North Africa, 1942

Detailed notes on the Battle of El Alamein from the 7th Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders. (North Africa, October, 1942)

El Alamein - Colonel John Sym DSO

37. [ account ]

El Alamein - Colonel John Sym DSO
Oct/Nov 42

The following account of the Battle of El Alamein comes from the personal account of Colonel John Sym DSO who was 21C of 2nd Bn Seaforth Highlanders.

38. [ extract ]

El Alamein, Driver MacAskill

An extract from the memoirs of Driver MacAskill provides a fascinating account of the logistic support at El Alamein, Oct '42.

39. [ account ]

Major (tmp. Lt. Col.) James Oliver : DSO Citation
October 1942, North Africa

Citation for the first of two DSO awarded to Major (temporary Lieutenant Colonel) James Alexander Oliver MBE of the Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment). This first DSO is in recognition of his 'outstanding example' in the attack on the Miteriya Ridge on the night 23/24 October, 1942

40. [ account ]

51st (H) Recce. Reg. at El Alamein
24th October 1942

An account of the bloody shelling at El Alamein on the 24th October 1942 from the 51st (Highland) Reconnaisance Regiment; an extract from 'A Brief History of 51st (H) Reconnaissance Regiment (1941 -1943) and its Involvement in the Desert Campaign', produced as a pamphlet in 1991

41. [ account ]

Operation Supercharge
El Alamein, North Africa, October 1942

A Description of Operation Supercharge, El Alamein, North Africa, October 1942.

42. [ account ]

7th Argylls at Wadi Akarit
Account of the Battle by Captain Cameron

Description of the The Battle of Wadi Akarit, taken from "The History of the 7th Argylls" by Captain Ian C Cameron

43. [ account ]

Accounts 61st Anti-Tank Reg. at Wadi Akarit
April 1943

Two personal accounts of the 61st Anti-Tank Regiment at Wadi Akarit (April 1943), reproduced here by kind permission of B. S. Barnes, author of "Operation Scipio - The 8th Army at the Battle of Wadi Akarit".

44. [ account ]

Defense of Point 198
6th April 1943

An account of the defense of Point 198 at Wadi Akarit on 6th April 1943. This account is taken from "OPERATION SCIPIO - THE 8TH ARMY AT THE BATTLE OF THE WADI AKARIT" by kind permission of the author B. S. Barnes.

45. [ account ]

6th April 1943

An account of the operation to take a ridge called Djebel Roumana at Wadi Akarit on 6th April 1943. This account is taken from "OPERATION SCIPIO - THE 8TH ARMY AT THE BATTLE OF THE WADI AKARIT" by kind permission of the author B. S. Barnes.

46. [ account ]

Medic's View of Wadi Akarit
6th April 1943

An account from a Medic of the fighting at Wadi Akarit on 6th April 1943. This account is taken from "OPERATION SCIPIO - THE 8TH ARMY AT THE BATTLE OF THE WADI AKARIT" by kind permission of the author B. S. Barnes.

Lt.-Col. Lorne Campbell VC Citation

47. [ extract ]

Lt.-Col. Lorne Campbell VC Citation
8th June 1943

The citation of Lt. Col. Lorne Campbell, VC, as published in the London Gazette, 8th June 1943.

48. [ account ]

154 Brigade - Sicily Landing
Sicily, July 1943

Account of the Sicily landing, July 1943.

49. [ account ]

July 1943

An extract of detail from the record of 61st (Highland) Anti-Tank Regiment Royal Artillery in the Sicily Campaign, July 1943

50. [ account ]

Porchetta's Gerbini Account
Account of Dell Porchetta, 7th Argyll & Sutherlands

Personal account of Dell Porchetta, detailing the attack on Gerbini, Sicily and eventual capture of 'A' company, 7th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders on the night of 20th July 1943.

51. [ extract ]

Order of Battle for Op Huskey
Sicily, July 1943

Division structure for Operation Huskey (Sicily, July 1943)

52. [ account ]

Sicily - 128th Field Reg. Account
31st July 1943

A description from the History of 128th (Highland) Field Regiment R.A of the BATTLES FOR GERBINI, SFERRO HILLS, CATANIA PLAIN AND BIANCAVILLA.

53. [ account ]

Gerbini Battle 154 BDE Combs Account
Sicily, 14th August 1943

Account of the action during the Battle of Gerbini between 20/21st July 1943 by Brigadier T Rennie - Brigadier Commander 154 Infantry Brigade. (written 14th August 1943)

54. [ account ]

51st Highland Division Newsletter

PIOBAIREACHD was the name given to the 51st Highland Division newsletter which was produced from 14 June 1944.

55. [ account ]

Op. Totalise, Gordon Highlanders
Gordon Highlanders War Diary, August 1944

Extract from 5th/7th Gordons War Diary, August 1944. Detailing Operation Totalise in Normandy.

56. [ account ]

Account of Operation "Totalise"
Normandy, August 1944

An account of Operation "Totalise" in Normandy by Major A McKinnon MC 7th Argylls. (written 23rd August 1944)

57. [ extract ]

Signals' Return to St. Valery
1-3 September 44

An account of the Return to St. Valery, taken from "The Story of the 51st Highland Division Signals - June 1944 to July 1945"

58. [ account ]

Major General Rennie's Address
St. Valéry, Sept 1944

Major General Rennie's address at St. Valéry on 3rd September 1944 after the return of the 51st Highland Division to St. Valéry.

59. [ account ]

September 1944

An Account of the attack on Le Havre (September 1944), taken from "History of the 7th Aryglls" by Ian C Cameron.

60. [ account ]

154 Brigade at Dunkirk
Sept - Oct 1944

Extract from 'The History of 154 Brigade in North West Europe', Dunkirk 23rd September 1944 to 9th October 1944. (Return to St. Valéry)

61. [ account ]

Attack on St. Michels Gestel and Vught
October 1944

Account of the Attack on St. Michels Gestel and Vught - taken from "The History of the 7th Argylls" by Captain Ian C Cameron

62. [ account ]

5th Black Watch, Nov 1944

An account of the 5th Black Watch crossing the Afterwaterings Canal, 4th - 5th November 1944. From "The Spirit of Angus" by John McGregor by permission of The Black Watch Museum.

63. [ account ]

GOC's letter to CO 5th Camerons
Operation Ascot, Low Countries, 19 Nov 1944

A copy of a letter the GOC [MAJOR GENERAL WIMBERLEY, MC] sent congratulating 5th Camerons on their actions crossing the Zig Canal (Operation Ascot, Low Countries, 19 Nov 1944)

64. [ op order ]

Operation Noah

5th Camerons Operation Order No. 15 - Operation Noah, Holland, November 1944.

65. [ account ]

Account By Major Pilcher, 5th Black Watch
The Ardennes, January 1945

An Account By Major Pilcher, Officer Commanding C Company, 5th Black Watch of action during the later part of the action seen in the Ardennes. Major Pilcher MC, is now a Trustee of the 51st Highland Division and Ross Bequest Fund. His account picks up events starting on 12th January 1945.

66. [ account ]

Account By Private Tom Renouf - Attack on Hubermont
The Ardennes, January 1945

An account by Private Tom Renouf - 'A' Company, 7th Platoon, 5th Black Watch - of the attack on Hubermont. His account picks up the operation on the 12th January 1945. (The Ardennes, Subsequent Operations)

Dr. Tom Renouf is the Secretary of the 51st Highland Division Veterans Association.

67. [ account ]

2nd Seaforth Account of the Reichswald Battles
February 1945

This account was attached to the 2nd Seaforth's War Diary - covers the part taken by the 2nd Battalion in the Operations of February 1945 which resulted in the clearing of the West bank of the Rhine from Nijmegen. (Reichswald)

68. [ account ]

Attack on Goch, 5 Black Watch
Goch, Reichswald, 18th February 1945

John McGregor's account of the attack on Goch (Reichswald) by 5th Black Watch on the 18th February 1945 - taken from "The Spirit of Angus" by John McGregor.

69. [ account ]

The Capture of Goch, 1st Gordons
Goch, Reichswald, 18th February 1945

Martin Lindsay's account of the attack on Goch by 1st Gordons on the 18th February 1945 - from 'So Few Got Through' by Martin Lindsay. (Goch, Reichswald)

70. [ account ]

Capture of Goch, concluding operations
Goch, Reichswald, 20th - 28th Feb 1945

Capture of Goch and concluding stages of Operation Veritable - taken from "The history of the 154 Infantry Brigade in North West Europe". (Goch, Reichswald)

71. [ account ]

153 Brigade - Operation Plunder - Rhine Crossing
March 1945

153 Brigade Operations during Operation Plunder - the Rhine Crossing, March 1945.

72. [ account ]

154 Brigade - Operation Plunder - Rhine Crossing
March 1945

An account of 154 Brigade's crossing of the Rhine in Operation Plunder, March 1945. This extract is taken from the 154 Brigade History.

73. [ account ]

Clearing Gennep and Goch
Operation Plunder, Rhine Crossing, March 1945

"Notes on Town Clearing", written by Lt Col JA GRANT-PETERKIN, DSO, O.C., 1 GORDONS, on the experiences of a Battalion which took part in clearing two large towns, GENNEP and GOCH, against a determined and organised enemy...

74. [ account ]

Extracts from Op Plunder Planning Notes
Rhine Crossing, March 1945

Notes written on the experience of a Battalion which took part in the clearing to two large towns during Operation Plunder (Rhine Crossing) March 1945.

75. [ account ]

Rhine Crossing - Albert Bellamy Account
March 1945

An account of the Rhine Crossing by Albert Bellamy; Published in a local newspaper and kindly provided to us by Trooper Bellamy's Daughter.

76. [ account ]

Main HQ comment on "Town Clearing"
Gennep / Goch, Rhine Crossing, March 1945

Additional note from Main HQ relating to "Notes on Town Clearing" written by Lt Col JA GRANT-PETERKIN, DSO, O.C., 1 GORDONS which detailed operations to clear Gennep and Goch during Operation Plunder, Rhine Crossing, March 1945.

77. [ account ]

5/7th Gordons - Operation Plunder
Rhine Crossing, 17th - 28th March 1945

Operation "Plunder" - The Rhine Crossing. An extract from 5/7th Gordons War Diary.

78. [ account ]

152 Brigade - Operation Plunder - Attack on Groin
Late March 1945

152 Brigade Operations during Operation Plunder - the Rhine Crossing - and the attack on Groin

79. [ extract ]

1 Gordons at Rees
Operation Plunder, 24-26 Mar 1945

A description of the 1st Gordon Highlanders crossing of the Rhine and subsequent fight through Rees during Operation Plunder, 24-26 March 1945. Extracts from "The History of the 51st Highland Division" by J. B. Salmon, and "So Few Got Through" by Martin Lindsay, reproduced here with kind permission.

80. [ account ]

Attack on Groin, 5th Seaforth
Late March 1945

An account of the attack on Groin (Rhine Crossing - Operation Plunder) by 5th Seaforth Highlanders, taken with kind permission from "Battalion" by Alastair Borthwick.

81. [ extract ]

McNair's Howitzers
Operation Plunder, Mar 1945

From Martin Lindsay’s “So Few Got Through”, a description of an officer McNair's enthusiastic use of three 3.7 Howitzers in action in Rees, March 1945, during Operation Plunder.

82. [ account ]

Appreciation of Major General Rennie
The Rhine Crossing, March 1945

Appreciation of Major General T. G. Rennie, C.B., D.S.O., M.B.E. written on 31 March by the Commandeer of the 2nd Army, Lieutenant-General Sir Miles Dempsey. Major General Rennie was killed by a shell during Operation Plunder - The crossing of the Rhine. March 1945.

83. [ account ]

Advance to Bremen - Div COMD's Policy
10th April 1945

DIV COMD's Policy from McMillan (Major General Commanding) 10 April 1945 (Victory in Europe, 1945)

84. [ account ]

154 Brigade - Final Brigade Operations
1st - 5th May 1945

154 Brigade account - 1st May 1945 to 5th May 1945.

85. [ op order ]

Op Instr. No 60, May 1945
3 May 1945

Dated 3 May 1945, this is the last Divisional Operation Instruction before the German surrender.

MacPherson Diary Cover Note

1. [ photo ]

MacPherson Diary Cover Note

This is the cover note inserted into Volume 1 (of 2) of the Diary of Pte. MacPherson, 9th Royal Scots, Nov 1915 to May 1917.

Johnnie Matheson 1939

2. [ photo ]

Johnnie Matheson 1939

J. Matheson, Leaving Lochcarron, 1939

Somme area June 1st-6th 1940

3. [ photo ]

Somme area June 1st-6th 1940
from the Journal of Captain Taylor, Intelligence Officer 1 Gordons

Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, detailing the Somme area June 1st-6th 1940

Bn dispositions June 2nd 1940

4. [ photo ]

Bn dispositions June 2nd 1940
from the Journal of Captain Taylor, Intelligence Officer 1 Gordons

Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, detailing Battalion dispositions June 2nd 1940

1 Gordons Somme Campaign

5. [ photo ]

1 Gordons Somme Campaign
from the Journal of Captain Taylor, Intelligence Officer 1 Gordons

Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the area of the Somme Campaign June 1940

1 Gordons The Grand Bois

6. [ photo ]

1 Gordons The Grand Bois
from the Journal of Captain Taylor, Intelligence Officer 1 Gordons

Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, detailing Coy and Pl. localities on completion of phase i (the capture and consolidation of the Grand Bois). June 4th 1940

1 Gordon Coy Areas, June 5th 1940

7. [ photo ]

1 Gordon Coy Areas, June 5th 1940
from the Journal of Captain Taylor, Intelligence Officer 1 Gordons

Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing Coy areas at 1200 hrs and from 1300-2300 hrs on June 5th 1940

June 5th: 0500 to 0730 hrs

8. [ photo ]

June 5th: 0500 to 0730 hrs
from the Journal of Captain Taylor, Intelligence Officer 1 Gordons

Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing withdrawal from Somme between 0500 hrs and 0730 hrs June 5th 1940

The Bresle position

9. [ photo ]

The Bresle position
from the Journal of Captain Taylor, Intelligence Officer 1 Gordons

Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the Bresle position, June 7th and 8th 1940

1 Gordons disositions June 9th 1940

10. [ photo ]

1 Gordons disositions June 9th 1940
from the Journal of Captain Taylor, Intelligence Officer 1 Gordons

Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the 1st Gordon Highlanders' dispositions between 1400-2130 hrs on June 9th 1940

Major Grant Diary, Page 27

11. [ photo ]

Major Grant Diary, Page 27
9th June 1940

Scan of Major Grant's diary relating to 9th June 1940, Dieppe / Arques Le Battaille

Withdrawal from the Foret d’Arques

12. [ photo ]

Withdrawal from the Foret d’Arques
from the Journal of Captain Taylor, Intelligence Officer 1 Gordons

Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the line of withdrawal from the Foret d’Arques June 9th - June 10th 1940

Major Grant Diary, Page 28

13. [ photo ]

Major Grant Diary, Page 28
9/10 June 1940

Scan of page 28 from Major Grant's diary relating to the 9th/10th June 1940

Major Grant Diary, Page 29

14. [ photo ]

Major Grant Diary, Page 29
10th June 1940

Scan of page 29 from Major Grant's diary relating to the 10th June 1940

Route Veules Les Roses to Gueures

15. [ photo ]

Route Veules Les Roses to Gueures
from the Journal of Captain Taylor, Intelligence Officer 1 Gordons

Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the route taken by the 1st Gordons from Veules Les Roses to Gueures on June 10th 1940

1 Gordons St. Valery

16. [ photo ]

1 Gordons St. Valery
from the Journal of Captain Taylor, Intelligence Officer 1 Gordons

Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, of the St-Valery bridgehead western flank showing Coy areas on June 11th 1940 at 0930 hrs

Major Grant Diary, Page 30

17. [ photo ]

Major Grant Diary, Page 30
11th June 1940

Scan of page 30 from Major Grant's diary relating to the 11th June 1940 and movements around St. Valery

Major Grant Diary, Page 31

18. [ photo ]

Major Grant Diary, Page 31
11th June 1940

Scan of page 31 from Major Grant's diary relating to positions around Le Tot & St. Sylvan 11th June 1940

St. Valery Tank Attack

19. [ photo ]

St. Valery Tank Attack
from the Journal of Captain Taylor, Intelligence Officer 1 Gordons

Sketch map by Capt. Taylor, Intelligence Office 1 Gordons, showing the Tank attack at St. Valery, 1500-1520 hrs, June 11th 1940

Major Grant Diary, Page 32

20. [ photo ]

Major Grant Diary, Page 32
11/12th June 1940

Scan of page 32 from Major Grant's diary relating to the 11/12th June 1940

Major Grant Diary, Page 33

21. [ photo ]

Major Grant Diary, Page 33
11/12th June 1940

Scan of page 33 from Major Grant's diary relating to the 11th/12th June 1940

Major Grant Diary, Page 34

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Major Grant Diary, Page 34
12th June 1940

Scan of page 34 from Major Grant's diary relating to the 12th June 1940

Henry Owens - Newspaper Clipping

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Henry Owens - Newspaper Clipping

Newspaper Clipping on Henry Owens from his home town reporting him as 'missing'.

Official notification of POW

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Official notification of POW
4th September 1940

This is a scan of the letter Henry Owens' Mother received officially notifying her of her son's (Henry Owens) capture and status as a POW. Dated 4th September 1940.

J.Matheson, Stalag 9c, 1942

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J.Matheson, Stalag 9c, 1942

1942, J.Matheson, Stalag 9c (Johnnie Matheson is marked as top row, second from left.)

Route of 1000 mile March

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Route of 1000 mile March
taken by Henry Owens

The marking (green) shows the route taken my Henry Owens during the forced 1000 mile march of January - May 1945.

J.Matheson in US uniform, 1945

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J.Matheson in US uniform, 1945

May 1945. J.Matheson in US uniform with new (German) BMW. An American star is painted on the body work and an American Flag is attached to help identify the vehicle as 'friendly' to Allied forces.

J.Matheson, letter from US Capt.

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J.Matheson, letter from US Capt.
19th May 1945

This is a photo of the letter, dated 19th May 1945, given to Johnnie Matheson by US Army Capt. Judson B. De Loach to help explain how he came to be in possession of US Army Shirt, Helmet and Boots, in addition to a confiscated German BMW "bearing the American Flag"...