Below is a list of the history pages, personal accounts, extracts and photos that have been tagged with a reference to 'Low Countries'...
2. [ history ]
In late September 1944 the 51st Highland Division moved east through France and into Belgium to relive the 15th Scottish Division on a line from St Odenrode to Eindhoven protecting the supply corridor to Nijmegen... The next phase of the campaign was to establish Antwerp as an operating port and clear the Germans south of the River Maas...
3. [ history ]
51st Highland Division with 7th Armoured, 15th Scottish, 33rd Armoured and 53rd Welsh Divisions formed the 12th Corps charged with this task. The Battle of Maas, Operation Colin, would start on the 23rd October for the Division. On the previous day 53rd Welsh and 7th Armoured Divisions would clear the area to the east between Zuid Willems Canal and s'Hertogenbosck and the day after the 51st Highland Division attack, 15th Scottish Division on the left would capture Tilburg and push north.
4. [ history ]
The 53rd Division had been task with the operation to clear the "Island" were moved to support the US sector against a German counterattack and the task was given to 51st Highland Division. The "Island" was west of s'Hertogenbosch and was about six miles long and four miles deep formed between the Afwaterings canal and the River Maas.
5. [ history ]
Enemy counter attack against the US, which had required the 53rd Division to be retasked, had been restricted but they had established a bridgehead across the River Maas, between Venlo and Roermond, threatening Eindhoven. To push the Germans back over the Maas was the next task and this was named Operation Ascot.
6. [ history ]
On 2nd December the Germans blew the Lek dyke and flooded the "Island". Such an act had however been foreseen and Operation "Noah" was implemented to evacuate the "Island".
1. [ account ]
Account of the Attack on St. Michels Gestel and Vught - taken from "The History of the 7th Argylls" by Captain Ian C Cameron
2. [ account ]
An account of the 5th Black Watch crossing the Afterwaterings Canal, 4th - 5th November 1944. From "The Spirit of Angus" by John McGregor by permission of The Black Watch Museum.
3. [ account ]
A copy of a letter the GOC [MAJOR GENERAL WIMBERLEY, MC] sent congratulating 5th Camerons on their actions crossing the Zig Canal (Operation Ascot, Low Countries, 19 Nov 1944)
4. [ op order ]
5th Camerons Operation Order No. 15 - Operation Noah, Holland, November 1944.
5. [ account ]
Appreciation of Major General T. G. Rennie, C.B., D.S.O., M.B.E. written on 31 March by the Commandeer of the 2nd Army, Lieutenant-General Sir Miles Dempsey. Major General Rennie was killed by a shell during Operation Plunder - The crossing of the Rhine. March 1945.
6. [ account ]
154 Brigade account - 1st May 1945 to 5th May 1945.
1. [ photo ]
5th Camerons carried on Shermans of the 1st Northamptonshire Yeomanry to their assembly area near Kaatsheuval on 21st October 1944.
3. [ photo ]
2nb Seaforth Highlanders, 152 Brigade, advancing in Bren Gun Carriers towards Schijndel, 24th Oct 1944
4. [ photo ]
Units of 51st Highland Division go into the attack around Sprang, north of Tilburn, as the enemy are pushed out of SW Holland. Carriers are 6 pounder guns of the 1st Gordons moving up to the battle positions North of Loon-Op-Zand. (Photographer Sgt Gee 30th October 1944)
5. [ photo ]
Photograph of Bert R. van Wulfften Palthe on leave from Corps. Tolken, visiting his family in Eindhoven. Believed to have been taken in Nov '44 by Bert's Wife as another photo from this same occasion reads "In November, me too in service, for the first time on leave at home".
6. [ photo ]
Four small craters left in the snow from 'near misses' can be seen around a Command Car. Photo taken by B.R. van Wullften Palthe, an interpreter attached to 152 Brig. who was staying at Chateaux Piedboeuf ("Castle Embourg") which was used as 152 Brig. HQ during the winter of 1944.