Below is a list of the history pages, personal accounts, extracts and photos that have been tagged with a reference to 'Victory in Europe'...
2. [ history ]
After a brief rest in Isselburg orders were received on the 3rd April for the 51st Highland Division to concentrate at Enschede. The Divisional advance from Enschede would be to Salzbergenm, Lingen, to Quakenbruck, Vetchta, Wildeshausen, Delmenhorst, Bremen and finally Bremerhaven. Germany was now collapsing...
3. [ pow ]
Henry Owens reflects on his captivity and his opinions of his war
1. [ account ]
PIOBAIREACHD was the name given to the 51st Highland Division newsletter which was produced from 14 June 1944.
2. [ account ]
DIV COMD's Policy from McMillan (Major General Commanding) 10 April 1945 (Victory in Europe, 1945)
3. [ account ]
154 Brigade account - 1st May 1945 to 5th May 1945.
4. [ op order ]
Dated 3 May 1945, this is the last Divisional Operation Instruction before the German surrender.
5. [ extract ]
Extract from "The Story of the 51st Highland Division Signals - June 1944 to July 1945" covering the German surrender at Ringstedt, 7-12th May 1945.
1. [ photo ]
Hand drawn sketch map showing movements of 492 (Highland) Field Battery, Royal Artillery (128th Field Reg.) between "V" Day and "VE" Day. Includes annotation detailing firing, not-firing and rest positions.
2. [ photo ]
Route taken by 51st Highland Division from Enschede to Bremen, April 1945
4. [ photo ]
Care of the IWM, with kind permission.
Caption reads "While British and German officers talk in the road, the pipes of the 7th Argyles' go swinging by."
Taken by Sgt. Johnson. 7.5.45. Occupation of Bremerhaven.
5. [ photo ]
From the IWM Collection, with kind permission.
Caption reads "Lorry loads of German prisoners on their way to the cages."
Taken by Sgt. Johnson. 7.5.45. Occupation of Bremerhaven.
6. [ photo ]
Men of the 51st Highland Division celebrating around a piano after the final victory in Europe was announced.
7. [ photo ]
Pipers play in the town square of St. Valéry-en-caux after liberating the town.
8. [ photo ]
The pipe band of the 51st Highland Division play during the ceremony to mark the handover of Bremerhaven by British to American forces in Germany under allied occupation.