61st Anti-Tank Reg   [ Content Tag Results ]

Below is a list of the history pages, personal accounts, extracts and photos that have been tagged with a reference to '61st Anti-Tank Reg'...

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1. [ battalions ]

Royal Artillery

Sferro Hills

2. [ history ]

Sferro Hills
Jul/Aug 1943

Description of the Battle for the Sferro Hills, late July - early August 1943

152 Brigade in Sicily

3. [ public ]

152 Brigade in Sicily
August 1943

Two photos (and description) of 152 Light Aid Detachment in Sicily during the stand down in the Catania area prior to embarkation to the UK.


1. [ account ]

Accounts 61st Anti-Tank Reg. at Wadi Akarit
April 1943

Two personal accounts of the 61st Anti-Tank Regiment at Wadi Akarit (April 1943), reproduced here by kind permission of B. S. Barnes, author of "Operation Scipio - The 8th Army at the Battle of Wadi Akarit".

Gunner Trigg

2. [ account ]

Gunner Trigg
61st Anti-Tank Reg, North Africa, 1943

A set of photos of Gunner "Bob" Trigg, 61st Anti-Tank Regiment, North Africa 1943.

3. [ account ]

July 1943

An extract of detail from the record of 61st (Highland) Anti-Tank Regiment Royal Artillery in the Sicily Campaign, July 1943

4. [ account ]

September 1944

An Account of the attack on Le Havre (September 1944), taken from "History of the 7th Aryglls" by Ian C Cameron.

242 Battery "G" Troop

1. [ photo ]

242 Battery "G" Troop
Before North Africa, 1942

Paul Witty, who's Father (Jim Witty) served in North Africa and Sicily with the 61st Anti-Tank Regiment, very kindly sent us a disc of scanned photographs of his Father's, taken during various periods of his service. Jim Witty is marked as 2nd row, 3rd from left.

61st Anti-Tank Reg, North Africa

2. [ photo ]

61st Anti-Tank Reg, North Africa
North Africa

Group photo of 61st Anti-Tank Regiment, sent to us by Mr. A.Trigg the Son of Gunner "Bob" Trigg who can be found on the back row, second from the left. It is presumed to have been taken in North Africa sometime in May/June/July 1943, prior to embarkation to Sicily in July '43.

Bob Trigg with Crew, North Africa

3. [ photo ]

Bob Trigg with Crew, North Africa
61st Anti-Tank Reg, North Africa

Bob Trigg (far left) is pictured on his gun with his crew, presumed to be in North Africa sometime in May/June/July 1943, prior to embarkation to Sicily in July '43.

Crew around a limber

4. [ photo ]

Crew around a limber
61st Anti-Tank Reg, North Africa

The crew around a limber.

Desert Dugout

5. [ photo ]

Desert Dugout
61st Anti-Tank Reg, North Africa

Bob Trigg, second from the right, outside a desert dugout.

Gunner Bob Trigg

6. [ photo ]

Gunner Bob Trigg
61 Anti-Tank Reg, North Africa

Photo of Gunner Bob Trigg in North Africa.

242 Battery "G" Troop, Sicily

7. [ photo ]

242 Battery "G" Troop, Sicily
Sicily, July 1943

Paul Witty, who's Father (Jim Witty) served in North Africa and Sicily with the 61st Anti-Tank Regiment, very kindly sent us a disc of scanned photographs of his Father's, taken during various periods of his service.

242 Battery, Sicily

8. [ photo ]

242 Battery, Sicily
Sicily, July 1943

Paul Witty, who's Father (Jim Witty) served in North Africa and Sicily with the 61st Anti-Tank Regiment, very kindly sent us a disc of scanned photographs of his Father's, taken during various periods of his service.

Greasing the wheels

9. [ photo ]

Greasing the wheels
61st Anti-Tank Reg, 1943

Greasing the wheels - preparation prior to embarkation for Sicily.

Map of Gerbini Attack

10. [ photo ]

Map of Gerbini Attack
Sicily, 19th July 1943

Map showing the details of the Gerbini attack, belonged to Major W D Johnston, 243 Battery, 61st (Highland) Anti-Tank Regiment RA and is reproduced by kind permission of his son, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret'd) G S Johnston OBE, a trustee of the 51st Highland Division and Ross Bequest.

Self Propelled Gun on Raft

11. [ photo ]

Self Propelled Gun on Raft
24th March 1945

An Archer 17-pdr self propelled gun of Highland Division Anti Tank Regiment being loaded onto a raft. An RAF balloon winch is seen in the foreground. Sgt. Palmer 24th March 1945.

61st Anti-Tank Reg. Christmas Card, 1945

12. [ photo ]

61st Anti-Tank Reg. Christmas Card, 1945
Christmas 1945

The cover of the 61st Anti-Tank Regiment's Christmas card, sent by Bob Trigg to his mother in December 1945.

61st Anti-Tank Reg. Christmas Card Greeting

13. [ photo ]

61st Anti-Tank Reg. Christmas Card Greeting
Christmas 1945

A copy of the greeting and inner illustration inside the Christmas card sent by Bob Trigg to his mother in December 1945