152 Brigade Operation Order No. 12 - OPERATION 'VERITABLE'
Reichswald, 4th February 1945
Copy NO
4 Feb 45
152 INF BDE OO No 12
Ref maps HOLLAND 1/25,000 sheets 12 NW, 12 SW. 1/12,500 12 NW 6, 12 SW3.
Ref maps GERMANY 1/25,000 sheets 4202, 4302. 1/12,500 4202/1, 4202/2, 4202/3, 4202/4.
1. Enemy.
See latest 'I' Summaries which can be seen at this HQ. A brief summing up is attd at appx 'A' and further infm is shown on latest def overprints.
2. Own Tps.
(a) 51 (H) Div attacking in three phases.
Phase A. Operations by 154 Bde and 153 Bde to secure the high ground on WESTERN edge of the REICHSWALD on D Day.
Phase B. Operations by 152 Bde to secure the area of the Xrds HEKKENS 8348 on D + 1 and exploitation by 153 Bde and 154 Bde.
Phase C. Operations by 154 Bde to secure the Se corner of the REICHSWALD on D + 2.
(b) Objectives of 153 and 154 Bde are shown on Trace 'P' att.
(c) Full details of op have already been given verbally to Comds.
3. Additional Tps.
Under Comd :-
1/7 Mx (on completion of PEPPERPOT)
243 A Tk Bty
CCP 175 Fd Amb
In sp :-
C Sqn 107 RAC
275. Fd Coy
Det 2 Derby Yeo
Elts 79 Armd Div (exact Composition Depends on situation at last lt on D day).
4. 152 Inf bde will adv on D + 1 and will
(a) Clear the SOUTHERN edge of the REICHSWALD on the axis rd junc 773518 - Xrds 827496.
(b) Secure and gain control of the area KESSEL 8547 - Xrds HEKKENS 8348 - Xrds 846490.
(c) Deploy 1/7 Mx to give flank protection on SOUTHERN edge of the REICHSWALD.
5. Gen.
Adv will be carried out in five phases as under -
(a) Phase I. CODEWORD - APPLE.
5 CAMERONS will adv through 154 Bde and secure gen area 8050.
5 SEAFORTH will pass through 5 CAMERONS and will secure gen area 8249.
2 SEAFORTH will pass through 5 SEAFORTH to secure gen area 8449.
5 CAMERONS will pass through 2 SEAFORTH to secure br 419470.
(e) Phase V. CODEWORD - FIG.
5 SEAFORTH will capture HEKKENS 8347.
6. Preliminary Conc.
(a) Bde Gp less units enumerated in para (b) below will move to initial conc area as per Mov Table appx 'B' and Trace 'R' att.
(b) 1/7 Mx, 'C' Sqn 107 RAC, will move on orders to be issued by respective comds.
7. Tps.
5 CAMERONS with under comd:
Det 275 Fd Coy
One tp 'C' Sqn 107 RAC
SP tp 243 A Tk Bty.
8. Task.
(a) Capture area Xtrs 809501 - Xtrs 801503 - Xtrs 804510 - Xtrs 811506.
(b) To ensure that the following trs from main axis are clear:
(i) 791510 to 788505
(ii) 806504 to 804499.
9. Assembly Area. 10. Fwd Assembly Area. 11. Axis of Adv. 12. Report Lines. 13. Timings.
see Trace 'P' att.
5 CAMERONS will leave Fwd assembly area at H hr, probably 0730 hrs on D + 1.
14. Tps.
5 SEAFORTH with under comd:
Det 275 Fd Coy
One tp 'C' Sqn 107 RAC
SP tp 146 A Tk Bty.
15. Tasks.
(a) 5 SEAFORTH will capture the area rd and tr junc 826498 - Xtrs 830493 - tr junc 827487 - Xtrs 823491.
(b) To ensure that tr from main axis at 820498 to 817492 is clear.
16. Assembly Area. 17. Fwd Assembly Area. 18. Axis of Adv. 19. Report Lines.
see Trace 'P' att.
20. Timings.
See Mov Table at Appx 'C' att.
21. Tps.
2 SEAFORTH with under comd:
Det 275 Fd Coy
One tp 'C' Sqn 107 RAC
SP tp 243 A Tk Bty. (to be picked up on passing through 5 CAMERONS)
22. Tasks.
2 SEAFORTH will capture area Pt.30.1 848493 - Xtrs 849488 - Xrds 843488 and patrol to SOUTHERN edge of wood at 846476.
23. Assembly Area. 24. Fwd Assembly Area. 25. Axis of Adv. 26. Report Lines.
see Trace 'P' att.
27. Timings.
See Mov Table at Appx 'C' att.
(It is possible that these phases may take place simultaneously).
28. Grouping.
As for Phase I and II with additions from 79 ARMD DIV as situation demands.
29. Tasks.
(a) 5 SEAFORTH will capture Xrds HEKKENS 833480.
(b) 5 CAMERONS will pass through 2 SEAFORTH and capture br at 848470.
30. Control of Move.
(a) Main Bde HQ will control all mov fwd of Assembly Area.
(b) All units will be called fwd by serials. For serial nos and approx time of mov see Appx 'D' att.
31. Debussing.
(a) It is visualised that all bns will debus at the Assembly Area 735532, and from there march to the Fwd Assembly Area.
(b) If the opposition crumbles at an early stage, all bns will be prepared to mov by M.T. to the Fwd Assembly Area.
(c) DAA & QMG will be responsible for allotting a harbour area for TCVs.
32. Air sp.
(a) Considerable air sp is being concentrated prior to the attack.
(b) On D + 1, HEKKENS will be subject to bombardment up to 0900 hrs and at call thereafter.
(c) One tentacle is allotted to the Div and an FCP will be working from Corps operating CABRANK thus quick air sp is easily obtainable.
(d) Red smoke will be used by arty to indicate targets.
33. Arty.
(a) Inf infm trace showing registered tasks will be issued, and arty for the whole op will be on call.
(b) Normal Ops.
(c) Med Ops will move with 1/7 Mx.
34. A Tk.
(a) SP tp 243 A tk Bty will initially be under comd 5 CAMERONS and will move fwd with 2 SEAFORTH on commencement of PHASE III.
(b) Remainder of 243 A tk Bty will move fwd as per Mov Table Appx "C" att and remain in Assembly Area until called fwd by Bde HQ.
35. MMG.
(a) 1/7 Mx comes under comd on completion of PEPPERPOT. Successive coys will be moved up in rear of bns and will take up posns on SOUTHERN edge of REICHSWALD protecting rt flank of the Bde as follows:
C Coy to area incl 790505 to 780504.
B Coy to area incl 809496 to 801500.
D Coy to area incl 820489 to 811494.
(b) Move fwd will be controlled by Bde HQ. See Mov Table at Appx "C" att.
(c) O/C 1/7 Mx will be responsible for co-ordinating MG tasks.
(d) Rep from 1/7 Mx to report to Bde HQ in assembly Area at 1800hrs D Day.
36. RE.
(a) 275 fd coy will be responsible for clearing and maintaining Bde axis and opening the following trs down to the SOUTHERN edge of the REICSHWALD, as the situation permits -
(i) From 791510 to 788505.
(ii) From 806504 to 804499.
(iii) From 820498 to 817492.
(b) 275 Fd coy will move fwd in rear of 5 CAMERONS to the fwd Assembly Area on orders from Bde HQ.
(c) 275 Fd Coy will have a demolition squad available which can be called for by bns if reqd.
(d) 275 Fd Coy will arrange to issue each bn with two grapnels.
37. TKS.
(a) 'C' Sqn 107 RAC will move to assembly area under separate orders night D - 3/D - 2.
(b) OC 'C' Sqn will arrange for tps to join their respective bns when bns arrive in Assembly Area.
(c) OC 'C' Sqn will report to Bde HQ at assembly area at 1800 hrs on D Day.
(d) It is essential that tks use tk tr A and NOT whld tr A on mov fwd.
38. Bde Axis. Will be marked by Bde Pro. See Trace 'P' att.
39. TC.
(a) It is essential to the success of the op to have a rigid control on all traffic. No vehs except jeeps will be permitted to move without authy from Bde HQ.
(b) TCPs will be est by 0600 hrs D + 1 at the following pts -
TCP.1. - tr junc 741532 (NO wireless).
TCP.2. - rd junc 756540 (with wireless).
TCP.3. - rd junc 761531 (No wireless)
TCP.4. - rd junc 779520 (No wireless)
TCP.5. - Xtrs 777516 (or as near this pt as possible - with wireless).
40. Mov Lt.
Mov lt will be provided during the hrs of darkness over the whole Bde area.
41. Camouflage.
In the event of white snow suits being worn, distinguishing marks in the form of a dark patch 6 ins sq will be marked on the chest and back of the suit.
42. Feeding.
Breakfast meal will be issued in conc area before departure.
43. Tpt.
(a) F Ech minimum tpt will move with bns to Fwd Assembly Area where it will remain until it is certain that Bde axis is clear to respective Bn objectives.
(b) A Ech tpt will remain in conc area and will move fwd to assembly Area as per Mov Table Appx 'C' att, and will probably be ordered fwd by Bde HQ during the evening of D - 1. Bn reps will report to DAA & QMG in Assembly Area at 1500hrs on D Day when A Ech areas will be allocated.
(c) B Ech will move to conc area with Bns and will be bded by the Bde T.O. in BEERS 6849 on morning D + 1.
44. Med.
(a) Car Post will be est in Fwd Assembly Area as soon after H hr as possible.
(b) CCP will be est in NOOK 7251 by H hr.
45. Rec.
EME will arrange for one Rec veh to move into Fwd Assembly Area with 5 CAMERONS and est rec post at Fwd assembly Area.
46. POW.
POW cage will be est at Bde HQ by H hr.
47. Locn of Bde HQ.
(a) Main Bde HQ will move to 735533 on pm D Day.
(b) Tac Bde HQ will move to fwd Assembly Area to be est by H hr, and thereafter will move on Bde axis.
48. Wireless.
(a) In addition to the normal fwd control net, there will be a traffic control net.
(b) See Wireless diagram at Appx 'E' att.
49. Codenames.
See Appx 'F' att.
BM, 152 Inf Bde
Division History References :
Op Veritable was the code name for the allied operation to drive the Germans from the ground between the River Maas and the River Rhine. The Canadians and British would break out from the Nijmegen bridgehead clearing southeast down between the two rivers to link up with the US forces who would cross the Maas to the south and swing north.