Le Havre   [ Content Tag Results ]

Below is a list of the history pages, personal accounts, extracts and photos that have been tagged with a reference to 'Le Havre'...

Tag references
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1. [ pow ]

volunteering - capture
1939 - 1940

From Henry Owens' volunteering in 1939 to his capture at St. Valery in 1940

The B.E.F.

2. [ history ]

The B.E.F.
Jan - Jun 1940

The 51st Highland Division landed in Le Havre in January 1940 as part of the British Expeditionary Force [B.E.F.] On 28th March they were deployed into the defensive line relieving the French 21st Division between Bailleul and Armentiéres...

Return to St. Valéry

3. [ history ]

Return to St. Valéry
Sep 1944

With the "Breakout" battle complete the 51st Highland Division has several days to recover before the advance continued. From Lisieux they advanced East crossing the Seine dealing with the enemy rear guard. The intention was to isolate the port of Le Havre... and on to St. Valéry.


1. [ account ]

Movements leaving Lille
April 1940

Account of the "Movements of 51 Div. and Attached Tps. since leaving Lille Area" [April 1940].

Provided by Mr Michael Thomson of Perth who provided various artefacts from his Uncle, Major David K Thomson, who was in the Royal Army Service Corps (RASC) in the Divisional Supply Regiment.

2. [ account ]

"Ark" Force - The Defense of Le Harve
June 1940

The defense of Le Havre from Arques-la-Bataille. (The B.E.F. June 1940)

3. [ account ]

Major General Rennie's Address
St. Valéry, Sept 1944

Major General Rennie's address at St. Valéry on 3rd September 1944 after the return of the 51st Highland Division to St. Valéry.

4. [ account ]

September 1944

An Account of the attack on Le Havre (September 1944), taken from "History of the 7th Aryglls" by Ian C Cameron.

Attack on Le Havre

1. [ photo ]

Attack on Le Havre
10th - 12th September 1944

Photograph showing men advancing towards Le Havre. 10th - 12th September 1944.