241 Anti-Tank Battery   [ Content Tag Results ]

Below is a list of the history pages, personal accounts, extracts and photos that have been tagged with a reference to '241 Anti-Tank Battery'...

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1. [ account ]

51st (H) Recce. Reg. at El Alamein
24th October 1942

An account of the bloody shelling at El Alamein on the 24th October 1942 from the 51st (Highland) Reconnaisance Regiment; an extract from 'A Brief History of 51st (H) Reconnaissance Regiment (1941 -1943) and its Involvement in the Desert Campaign', produced as a pamphlet in 1991

2. [ account ]

July 1943

An extract of detail from the record of 61st (Highland) Anti-Tank Regiment Royal Artillery in the Sicily Campaign, July 1943

3. [ account ]

Attack on St. Michels Gestel and Vught
October 1944

Account of the Attack on St. Michels Gestel and Vught - taken from "The History of the 7th Argylls" by Captain Ian C Cameron


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