Below is a list of the history pages, personal accounts, extracts and photos that have been tagged with a reference to '1/7th Middlesex Regiment'...
1. [ history ]
The 51st Highland Division moved along the cost with the New Zealand Division and 7th Armoured Division carrying out a flanking attack. Failure to succeed in occupying Tripoli would cause Montgomery to have to fall back...
2. [ history ]
Initial phase of Op. Huskey - the landing at Sicily, 10th July 1943
3. [ history ]
Description of the Battle for the Sferro Hills, late July - early August 1943
1. [ account ]
Description of the The Battle of Wadi Akarit, taken from "The History of the 7th Argylls" by Captain Ian C Cameron
2. [ account ]
Account of the Attack on St. Michels Gestel and Vught - taken from "The History of the 7th Argylls" by Captain Ian C Cameron
3. [ account ]
An account of the 5th Black Watch crossing the Afterwaterings Canal, 4th - 5th November 1944. From "The Spirit of Angus" by John McGregor by permission of The Black Watch Museum.
4. [ account ]
DIV COMD's Policy from McMillan (Major General Commanding) 10 April 1945 (Victory in Europe, 1945)
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