Below is a list of the history pages, personal accounts, extracts and photos that have been tagged with a reference to '1919'...
1. [ history ]
A brief outline of 51st (Highland) Division in the First World War 1914 - 1919
2. [ battalions ]
A short history of the 8th Battalion The Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment) (8RS)
3. [ battalions ]
A brief history of the 9th Battalion Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment) (9RS)
We have no accounts or extracts currently referencing this content tag at present...
1. [ photo ]
1/6th (Banff) Battalion, Gordon Highlanders. 152 Brigade. c1918/1919.
2. [ photo ]
This photograph shows men of the 1st or 2nd Highland Brigade. R.F.A., 51st Highland Division. C.1918/19. Two of the three men in the photograph are members of the Royal Field Artillery, the one on the left wearing the HD flash. The figure on the right is from the Army Remount Service. Both photographs are from the collection of Bob Marrion.