A/Capt. Donaldson's Military Cross Citation
Battalion Action - Rees - 23/24 March 1945
The following citation was sent to us, with thanks, by Allan Macintyre, the son of the late Major Donald Macintyre MC.
A/Captain Andrew Donaldson (271272)
152 Inf. Bde., 2nd Bn. The Seaforth Highlanders
On the night of 23/24 March [1945] Capt. Donaldson was a subaltern in ‘B’ Coy. His Coy. Comd. was wounded crossing the Rhine, and evacuated while Lt Donaldson was forward on reconnaissance. Lt Donaldson took over the Coy. on the start line only a few minutes before the advance to the objective started. The Company’s task was to force its way to the main road 1 mile North of REES by a large factory - seize the main road bridge over the A/Tk ditch north of the factory and remain with another Company astride the road - the enemy’s main line of retreat from REES. Lt Donaldson immediately took a firm grip of the company and in spite of a sudden change of plan quickly took his objective. Further he immediately organized an attack on the bridge which was seized intact in face of stiff opposition. Returning from that he organized his Company position so quickly and effectively that a large number of prisoners were taken in a very short time. When daylight came the Company were subjected to constant and heavy shell and mortar fire two enemy SP guns appeared in front of Lt. Donaldon’s Coy. firing over sights.
No A/Tk guns had come up from the river. The position however, was held against all the enemy’s efforts to dislodge the Company.
Lt. Donaldson was everywhere encouraging his men. Constantly under small arms fire and almost always in the midst of shelling and mortaring he moved about encouraging his men. His coolness, courage, and unflinching devotion to duty were a tonic to which his men were not slow to respond. The position was held.
[Signed off by]
B.L. Montgomery Field Marshal Commander-in-chief 21 Army Group

Donaldson Military Cross Citation
show infoDescription:
Citation Military Cross - A/Captain Andrew Donaldson - Battalion action - REES - 23/24 March 1945.
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Donaldson Military Cross Citation #2
show infoDescription:
Citation Military Cross - A/Captain Andrew Donaldson - Battalion action - REES - 23/24 March 1945.
Signed off by B.L. Montgomery
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Division History References :
The Operation to cross the Rhine was to be called Operation Plunder. The Plan for Operation Plunder was to cross on a two corps front with 51st Highland division on the left leading 30 Corps. The Divisional objectives on the other side of the Rhine were Honnepel and Rees.